
How do I know what kind of video cards my computer will support?

Currently I have a GeForce FX 5200 with 128 MB memory, 8X AGP, with S-Video and DVI out that came with my system. Will I be able to upgrade to another GeForce video card without any problems?|||As long as it's AGP.|||You can get another video card, as long as it's AGP. The fastest AGP card on the market Right now is the ATI Radeon 1950 . It's just a hair faster than the Nvidia 7900 GS. Which is also available in AGP. Expect to spend about $150. Either one is much, much faster than the FX 5200.

I have a NVIDIA video card. I want to use both the RCA Tv-Out and the VGA out simoultaneusely. Thanks?

I want to give out of my video board both on the VGA (for a videoprojector) and the RCA (for TV) - in the same time, and of course on my other DVI-D which I use for my monitor. So, three displays to use for "Tv-out" the same time.

I know that this is not theoretically possible, but are there any tweaks or tricks I can do to the NVIDIA software drivers? I have a GeForce 6200 AGP video board.|||It's highly unlikely that this is possible. Each output method uses differen refresh rates and timings, as well as resolutions. Your card cannot process all of them to successfully output a decent picture, if any at all.|||I have an NVIDIA also from my book you can only show 2 screens at a time, you will need to use the VGA and the DVI-D. I do not know how to setup a PC to use three monitors

What's a good, cheap graphics / video card? I want to run my pc through my plasma screen. Under $50 maybe?

I am willing to get a used card, and really don't want to spend very much but it needs to be able to power my tv with a dvi input. There are so many cards out there, and it is very confusing with all the specs. I know I have an agp socket, but not a pci express.|||With a spending limit of $50 or less, you aren't going to have alot of options, obviously you really only need look to make sure it is an AGP slot card and offers a DVI output. Here is a link to a Geforce 6200 series 256mg that fills the bill and is brand new not used: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/… . I recommend this one because it sells for under $50 new, it is an AGP card, it offers a DVI output, and is manufactured by XFX which means it has a lifetime warranty should anything go wrong with the card.

Is my video card bad or just acting up?

I believe my video card is now shot (died all of a sudden). I have a ATI AIW 7500 AGP video card in my PC (no on board or other video cards in the computer). The monitor status light goes to green, knowing that something is connected but no image appears. I have tried the following:

1) Hooked up my laptop to the monitor. Monitor works fine.

2) Tried resetting the monitor (Acer LCD). Same symptoms.

3) Tried entering the BIOS, but no display comes up. (No RAM check, IDE list, but I can tell from experience that the system is in the BIOS menu)

4) Tried unplugging the monitor cables and re-tightening them

5) Tried removing the video card and reseating.

6) Tried entering safe mode but I couldn't tell if I blindly selected the correct option.

The computer itself is fairly old. The video card has a DVI out which I need to use the RGA adapter that came with the card on, which imo has always put a lot of weight on the end of the video card...maybe the cause? Any help is great|||It sounds like the card's gone to me.

You've already done some very good troubleshooting steps and verified that the monitor's ok.

That card must be at about 3 years old by now which is a 'fairly' good run for a Video Card.

Are there any extra beeps at start up, when a computer boots up it performs a POST (Power On Self Test) and usually reports any issues with a series of beeps. Have you noticed any unusual noises at start up?

The only way to really test if it's the card that's gone is to try a Video Card that is known to work in there an see what happens.

You might be able to 'borrow' a friend's AGP card for testing if you can. Other than that you might have to take it to a local technician for further assistance.

Hope this helps you out! Good luck getting it sorted

~®|||Diagnosing your problem is a little tricky. Your video card is not necessarily bad. It could be your harddrive that is causing the problem. You may have bad boot sectors.

First, if you have onboard video remove the AGP card and install your monitor on the onboard display. If you dont have onboard video remove that drive and have someone do a backup for you.

Assuming that someone has backed up your data try using another hard drive, possible from an old junk computer. If your hard drive is the problem, you should be able to boot from the drive taken from the junk computer. Regardless whether or not an operating system is on the junk drive you will be able to use it. If it has an old operating system you should be able to boot into it. If it does not, you will get an error message on your screen. Either way you will know whether or not the video card or your present hard drive is faulty.|||the definitive way would be to temporarily put a replacement card in and see if that one works.

who can you borrow an AGP video card from?


you can also use your laptop to access the ATI website for troubleshooting tips.

GL|||Well yes you have just listed telltale symtoms of a broken video card. Pull it out and smell it. If it smells like gunpowder then take it out. If you leave your card in it may create pc damage. Get a new one now!


Need Help? Mail me at ty90012@gmail.com|||Try disconnecting the video card and re installing it. It may just be that it is not seated correctly. Also you might want to check if it is a PCI or AGP card. Some computers support one but not the other. Also make sure if your card needs extra power that you have connections to it. Most dont but some of the newer ones need some extra juice.

Does this video card work for Windows vista aero? XFX GeForce 6200 256 MB DDR2 AGP Video Card w/TV, DVI?


How can you tell?|||The graphics card requirements for Vista versions above Vista Basic are:

Support for DirectX 9 graphics with:

* WDDM Driver

* 128 MB of graphics memory (minimum)

* Pixel Shader 2.0 in hardware

* 32 bits per pixel

As long as you don't need DirectX 10 support, that card will work, since the requirements for Aero are

* WDDM driver

* Pixel Shader 2.0

* 32 bits per pixel

* Adequate graphics memory

o 64 MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at a resolution lower than 1,310,720 pixels

o 128 MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at resolutions from 1,310,720 to 2,304,000 pixels

o 256 MB of graphics memory to support a single monitor at a resolution higher than 2,304,000 pixels

and that card supports DX9 and 32 bit color, has 256MB graphics memory.|||normally it will say on the box if it compatible. From the sounds of it should work just fine.|||No.Not work with vista.................|||Hi, thats weird I have the same card and mine is 512 mb. It is compatible though. You can check by looking at the box as it should be made for DirectX 9.0c minimum and have shader model 3.0. Also they even have a Vista enabled sticker on them. I hope I helped.

Good Luck and take care!

Can I run dual monitors on my PC with one video card that has VGA and DVI output?

I just bought a new monitor and I am trying to extend my desktop across them both. I currently have an ATI 9700 AGP gfx card and tried installing a second card (an old Voodoo3 PCI) and running each monitor on its own card. I am having trouble with that, so now I am just considering buying a new card (Leadtek WinFast A7600GT probably) in hopes that it will solve my problems.

I just want to make sure I can run the dual monitors off that new card if I do purchase it.

Or if anybody has any recommendations on making the cards that I have now work? Computer recognizes them both, sets the AGP ATI card as primary and works on one monitor. But whenever I go to settings in my display controls and try to enable the 2nd monitor on the voodoo3, my computer freezes and crashes.|||The 7600GT will have dual monitor support.

My guess is that the old drivers for the Vodoo 3 are causing the crash.

I didn't know anyone still had one of the Vodoo 3's. :)|||YES and it is wonderful!!!, the only problem is that you have to buy an adapter (DVI to VGA) for a monitor if it only has VGA.

Will this AGP video card work in my computer?

i found a AGP on ebay


but when i took a look at my AGP card it had 3 connectors as like the one here


my computer is a dell optiplex 240 will this knew card work if i switched it with my current AGP card

|||I don't think that particular card will. Assuming the picture is correct, it only has the one notch, meaning it's not a 1.5V card. Your computer's service manual shows a 4x AGP card as an example, with two notches (1.5V). The card shouldn't fit into the slot, therefore it won't work.