
What video card is better?

My brothers computer currently has NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 would a ATI RAGE 128 PRO 32MB AGP card be better?

or ATI x600 SE 128mb PCIE RD W/DVI ( but i dont think this card would fit into the computer because it is a older computer he uses for homework and video games sometimes)

Thanks for help.|||The X600SE is a PCIExpress 16x video card. It will NOT work in your brother's computer, which only has an AGP slot, not PCIExpress. The two slot types are UTTERLY INCOMPATIBLE.

And no, the Rage 128 Pro isn't much of an upgrade over the GF2. I wouldn't bother. He would be better off saving that money for a more up-to-date computer equipped with PCIExpress.|||it is better getting a computer with PCI express, (all new computers) as even with integrated graphics, they obliterate the Geforce2 and any competitors. I recommend waiting for a new AMD Fusion PC or an Intel Sandy Bridge pc which are coming out slowly during the next year.

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